Join the Speed Watch Team
Find out what you can do to help make our town safer and more Mother and child friendly, Keep our older active residents safe and secure in their town, Keep the children of Somerton Safe from injury and accident.
Just click this link to get info and do the simple test and join us.
Does speeding matter, the myths about the law
and speeding. Here is a working barrister telling you the Law….
If you have any issues on the roads and safety of pedestrians, or any issues with the roads in Somerton let Somerset Council “County Highways” here your concerns. This is the Place to get those who control OUR ROADS to know your views.
Now we have made changes to the SID systems for Somerton, The reporting will also change. The data can be accessed remotely as before in detail, but for the readers convenience it will be summarised into a single page .PDF to view these summaries please visit the link below.