Tuesday 22nd of February 2023

Edgar Hall Somerton

South Somerset  AGM

Well over 32 people from various speed watch groups attended the South Somerset Community Speed  Watch meeting and AGM. With the A&S Commissioner Mark Shelford, Insp. Rachel Clark as well as our Local T/PCSO Supervisor Ian Cromey-Hawke  and PCSO  Mike  Bell. 

The highlight of the evening was a presentation to  Doug Allen who after more years than he can remember has been involved  with being the South Somerset Co-ordinator, spending many, many hours of the week administering the phase 2 of the community Speed watch events. Which is  working with  A&S police to ensure those that see speed limits as an optional event are re-educated in the basics of the Highway code.

On behalf of all the CSW teams throughout South Somerset we all would like to say and extend a massive thank you for all your efforts over the many years …….Thank you Doug Allen.